Principal’s Blog: February, 2025
Suzanne MacDougall
Dear Walnut Ridge Families,
Starting this month, the Walnut Ridge School News Page will transform into a monthly blog. Any changes or immediate updates will be shared via email/text as needed. This way you can all see what is happening each month in advance. Thank you for reviewing the blog for upcoming events, updates, and reminders that are posted here each month. Please check throughout the month for any updates as well.
Events and Preschool Happenings:
February 4: Newton/Sparta Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics visited preschool and showed us how to keep our teeth healthy by brushing two times a day, flossing, and eating healthy foods. The students were engaged and attentive during the presentation. I look forward to seeing their healthy smiles!!
February 5: We kicked off Kindness Month with the book, Have You Filled A Bucket Today?, about ways to fill each others’ buckets with kindness. Thank you Mrs. Polhemus, Mrs. Cook, and Mrs. Lombardi for reading to classes today. Students also made their own buckets to have at home as a kindness reminder to fill each others’ buckets.
February 10-14: Kindness Spirit Week
Monday, 2/10 Wear Pajamas ~ Dream of Kindness
Tuesday, 2/11 Wear bright colors ~ Let your Kindness Shine
Weds., 2/12 Wear a sweater ~ Warm up with Kindness
Thur., 2/13 Wear Team/Vernon apparel ~ Be a Part of Team
Friday, 2/14 Wear red or pink ~ Show your love and kindness on Valentine’s Day
The Walnut Ridge School would also like to give back to the community by donating a non-perishable food item throughout the week for the local food bank. Please send in your non-perishable items with your student throughout the week.
February 17: School Is Closed to Commemorate Presidents’ Day
February 24: NJCAP program parent VIRTUAL presentation at 7:00pm
CLICK HERE for the zoom link
February 26-28: NJCAP student program (information about the program will be sent home via student folders during the week of February 10)
Nurse News:
Please see Ms. Kim’s February Newsletter for important information from the Walnut Ridge Health Office. Click HERE.
Health Office Reminder: Since many of you are new to the school district, the district protocol is as follows: if your child has diarrhea, vomiting or a fever - there is the 24 hour rule. This means that your child must be diarrhea, vomiting or fever (without the use of medication) free for 24 hours before returning to school. Thank you for your understanding and adherence to this protocol. It truly helps in keeping students healthy!
Please see this Healthy Kids Club Newsletter for some healthy habits, snacks, and activities you can do at home.
Important Reminders:
Please review emergency contact information listed in Genesis to ensure that there is another person to call in case we cannot reach you. There is also a box to check in Genesis if the emergency contact can pick up your child. This needs to be indicated in order to release your child to someone else other than a listed guardian. For temporary pick up changes, please continue to indicate that in Genesis when you note there is a change in how your child goes home.
Please label your child’s lunch box, backpack, and outdoor clothing items--writing your child’s name on the inside will help. At times, one of these items is left on the bus, and this will help us get it back to your child quickly.
Our classrooms are Peanut/Tree Nut Responsible. To ensure the safety of all students, please send a pre-packaged snack or a snack with a clearly labeled list of ingredients for your child. Snacks must not contain peanuts or tree nuts. Thank you for helping us maintain a safe environment!
Reminder for student pick up:
Student Drop Off/Arrival: 9:25AM
Student Pick Up: by 3:20PM students will be in the all purpose room and calling for parent pick up begins
Big Buses: 9:25 arrival; 3:25 Departure
**We kindly ask parents to avoid picking up their child early unless it is absolutely necessary. Early pickups can shorten student learning time and disrupt the classroom’s end-of-day routine, which includes packing up, lining up, and transitioning to the all-purpose room. Please keep in mind that most classrooms have only one aide, and maintaining consistency is important for a smooth dismissal process.
Unlike many schools, our preschool students are personally walked down to their parents at the end of the day, ensuring a safe and secure handoff. Your cooperation helps us provide the best experience for all children. Thank you for your understanding and support!**
Thank you for logging into the Genesis system if you are picking your child up instead of him/her taking the bus AND/OR someone else is picking your child up. For a step-by-step guide, watch this instructional video. After 12:00pm, please call the main office: 973-764-2801
Thank you for refraining from parking in the crosswalk area of the parking lot. Many parents are walking the lot with children and keeping the crosswalk area open allows that to happen safely.
Breakfast/Lunch Updates and Reminders:
All students who would like to have a school breakfast or lunch must use the google form to order each day. The google order forms are updated monthly and can be found on the WRPS webpage--scroll down just under the picture of the school and you will see a row of links. Parents can order for a month, week, or day week at a time. Please note, orders must be received by 8:00am.
If your child is absent, please email so you don’t get charged for your child’s meal.
If you are interested in checking to see if you are eligible for free or reduced lunch, forms can be found on Genesis. If you would more information please reach out to Sherry Polhemus at or 973-764-6570
To sign up for purchasing lunch, go to to set up and account and/or manage account funds.
Preschool and Kindergarten Registration:
Preschool: All current students who are preschool age (meaning NOT 5 by October 1) will automatically be enrolled in the preschool. There is nothing parents need to do.
Kindergarten: Current preschool students going to Kindergarten will automatically be moved up to Kindergarten. No registration necessary. Please stay tuned for information on Kindergarten orientation and parent information sessions.
Your Input is Wanted:
Walnut Ridge Parent/Caregiver Survey Understanding and Improving School Attendance: To ensure that our school can best support your child and improve student attendance, we kindly ask that you complete the following survey. Your feedback is essential in identifying reasons for student absences and developing strategies to encourage regular attendance. All responses will remain confidential. Please click here to access the survey.
Attendance: We understand that sometimes children need to stay home due to illness or family emergencies, and we completely support that. However, whenever possible, we encourage regular attendance, as it plays a key role in your child’s academic growth and helps them develop important skills for the future. Establishing good attendance habits in preschool sets a strong foundation for lifelong learning and success! Please do not hesitate to reach out to the school with any special circumstances. We will assist in any way we can.
SCA News:
To learn more about Vernon’s School and Community Association (SCA) please visit their website to explore all of the wonderful things they do. Click HERE
The Vernon Township School District's SCA is looking for sponsors and donors for their upcoming Senior Citizen Appreciation Event and Lucky Night Out Tricky Tray. Please click on the links below for more information.
SCA Senior Citizen Event Flyer
SCA Lucky Night Out Tricky Tray Flyer
Springtime Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser is in Full Swing!
Our annual fundraiser is officially underway! Packets with all the details have been sent home with students. Be sure to check them out and support our efforts. Your participation helps fund important programs for Cedar Mountain and our preschool--every little bit counts!
Thank you for your continued support! Let’s make this spring season a sweet success!
Lucky Night Out Committee Members NEEDED!
See this link for details: Tricky Tray Link
The SCA is in need of donations for this event: Every donation—big or small—makes a difference in supporting our schools, students, and programs! If you have a few hours to spare and want to make a positive impact, join our team!
How to Get Involved:
Reach out to local businesses for donations (we have a list of businesses that have donated in the past and a solicitation letter that we will print out and give to you!)
Help spread the word to increase support
Bring your enthusiasm and community spirit!
Interested? Please contact for more details.
Thank you for supporting a great cause and making this year’s Lucky Night Out a huge success!
Please complete this brief interest survey:
Walnut Ridge SCA Interest Survey
Dates to Remember:
February 10-14~ Kindness Week
February 17 - School Closed in observance of President's Day
February 24 - NJ CAP Virtual Parent Meeting at 7:00 PM
February 26-28 - CAP Program for Preschool
March 12 - Virtual Tools of the Mind Parent Information Session (evening event-information to follow)
March 19- Preschool Open House 5:30-7:00 (more information to follow)
Wishing you all a wonderful month ahead. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions—we’re here to help!
Suzanne MacDougall