PAL Ski Club is after school on Tuesday, January 14th. The PAL trailer will be parked in the Lounsberry Hollow parking lot for parents to drop off equipment by 2:00pm. Only the skis, poles and snowboards go in the trailer.  All other ski gear should be dropped off with the door monitor.

PAL Ski Club for LHS scheduled for Tuesday, January 28th has been changed to Thursday, January 30th. LHS Ski Club dates: 1/14, 1/21, Thurs. 1/30 and 2/11.

When dropping off in the mornings, please stay in a single file line, especially on Tuesdays when we have drop offs for ski club.  Last week we had some children moving between cars after being dropped off.

LH SCA Meeting - Tuesday, January 14th at 9:45am.

The SCA will be hosting our Winter Dance on January 17th (snow date Jan. 24) click here.

Lounsberry Hollow is excited to bring author Kayla Miller to our school during Love of Reading Week in March!  If your child would like a signed copy of one of her books, please use this form to order by Monday, February 3rd.  Cash (exact change, please) or check (payable to Lounsberry Hollow School) only.

SEEKING Monetary Donations, Volunteers & Drinks for the ESCA 42nd Senior Citizen Appreciation Event:

SAVE THE DATE for the ESCA Lucky Night Out Tricky Tray 4/5/25 at Vernon Twp High School. SEEKING Donations & Sponsorships! More details at

As temperatures drop, we will continue to go outside so please make sure your children come to school dressed for recess.

Our SCA has a new Facebook page.  Please check them out at

If you are picking up your child at the end of the school day, please enter it in Genesis or call the main office before noon.

SchoolStore Fundraiser

I want to personally thank all the families who have already participated in our SchoolStore program!  We are on our way to reaching our goal, but we need everyone's help to make sure our teachers get the essential tools they need to help our students succeed.

If your family has not participated, there's still time!

This safe and easy program is 100% online so there is no face-to-face selling, collecting money, or delivering products.  Your child will receive a prize just for participating, and more prizes will be awarded when goals are reached.

Please help now. It really will make a difference.

Go to this link to show our valued teachers your support.

P.S. Family participation is the key to our success, and we are counting on you!

SchoolStore Fundraiser Information - English

SchoolStore Fundraiser Information - Spanish

Be sure to ask your child for the Parent Envelope. 

Return the Envelope with the Student Prize Code to school for your child to get their fun participation prize.

The LH SCA will be using the remind app to update parents with events and reminders for the school. Please click here to sign up.