Parent Teacher Conferences will be held November 4-6. November 4 and November 6 will be held in person and November 5 will be virtual. Please see the attached letter and sign up information that was sent in a separate message click here. Sign ups will close Sunday (11/3) at 8:00 pm. If you are coming in person on Monday or Wednesday, please check the lost and found. We will be donating all clothes right before Thanksgiving.
Please remember that on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we will be having early dismissal for all students for parent teacher conferences. Parent Pick up is at 12:10pm and students are dismissed at 12:20pm. School will be closed on Thursday and Friday (11/7- 11/8).
It is time to select our Governor's Educator of the Year and our Education Service Professional. Please use this link if you would like to nominate a Lounsberry staff member. This link will close on Friday, November 15th.
If you are picking up your child at the end of the school day, please enter it in Genesis or call the main office before noon.
SchoolStore Fundraiser
Friday, your child brought home a Parent Information Envelope letting you know about a safe and easy way for our school to raise funds for essential tools our students and teachers need to succeed.
The SchoolStore program is 100% online so there is NO face-to-face selling, handling money, or delivering products. Your participation will take less than 12 minutes, and there are exciting prizes to make it fun for the students.
SchoolStore Fundraiser Information - English
SchoolStore Fundraiser Information - Spanish
Be sure to ask your child for the Parent Envelope tonight.
Return the Envelope with the Student Prize Code to school for your child to get their fun participation prize.
Your participation will make a difference for our school and teachers!
Mind Traveler’s Library Reading Incentive fliers went home with your child. This reading incentive will run until Friday, November 22. Please return completed forms to Mrs. Weinreb, Media Specialist.
We will be participating in our annual Stuff the Stocking Competition with Project Self Sufficiency click here. The Season of Hope Toy Shop brings hope to families in need and relies on our community’s generosity click here. Please see the attached fliers for more information.
We have partnered with the Center for Prevention and they will be delivering the Botvins Life Skills program to all Lounsberry students every Tuesday until Thanksgiving. I have attached a synopsis of this week’s lesson click here.
The LH SCA will be using the remind app to update parents with events and reminders for the school. Please click here to sign up.