Thank you and your children for a nice smooth opening week.  I met with them on Thursday morning as a grade level and we discussed quite a few topics.  We talked about attendance, the importance of being in school, and how attendance is directly related to student success.  Today, we had a great assembly by Omegaman who talked about respect and responsibility while doing some pretty impressive feats of strength.  

Please make sure that your children come to school with their chromebooks charged.  We will begin our benchmarking assessments next week so they will need those chromebooks ready to go.  

Your children are really doing a good job with lunch and recess.  Please review their student ID numbers with them to help keep things moving smoothly.  After all of the students have had a chance to purchase lunch, we open the line so they can purchase a snack.  Some of our students are not eating their lunch but are purchasing and eating their snack.  We do our best to make sure that students are eating their lunch first, but please reiterate that at home as well.  In order for students to purchase a snack they must have money on their account or have cash.  They cannot charge for a snack.   

Teachers will be using Schoology again this year.  Please take a look at this short video that provides directions on how to access Schoology.

Please see the attached information for Breakfast After the Bell in both English click here and Spanish click here.

  Students interested in signing up for band or orchestra for the first time can do so at the following link Returning students do not need to re-register.   

LH Upcoming September Events - click here

Back to School Night - September 10th (6:30 pm) -  Please look for the video from me on Saturday morning. UMAC will be providing an open house for our students at their facility while we have our Back to School Night. Click here for more information.    

LH SCA Meeting - Tuesday, September 12th at 9:45am

Health Office - Any medication, including over the counter medication, that needs to be administered during the school day for the 24-25 school year requires a new doctor’s note. Please call the school nurse, Mrs. Lisa, if you have any questions at 973-764-492 or fax to 973-764-0848.

Some important dates:

School Pictures - September 24th during PE classes

The LH SCA will be using the remind app to update parents with events and reminders for the school. Please click here to sign up.