August 23, 2024

Dear Lounsberry parents and guardians, 

I hope that you are enjoying  the last few days of summer.  Please remember that our Open House will be on Thursday 8/22 (12:30 - 2:30) and Friday 8/23 (9:00 - 11:00).  I wanted to share some reminders and suggestions as we get ready to start the school year. 

Please remember that September 5th is the first day for students. Our school day starts at 8:00.  This is when students get released from the bus, those students who get dropped off can arrive at 7:50.  Please help your children remember their bus routes, that will help with the dismissal process.  On the first day of school, all students will report to the gym where they will meet their homeroom teacher.  I’ll be meeting with each grade level in the gym on Thursday, September 5th  to welcome the students and go over some general rules and information with them.  

Students who are signed up for band do not need to bring their instruments on the first day.  We plan to go outside for recess as often as possible, starting on Thursday, so please make sure your children are dressed appropriately.  It is important that students have proper footwear when they come to school (no crocs, slides, or the like please).  

Attendance will be an area of focus for us this year so please check the district calendar when planning trips or events throughout the year.  It is really important that we get all of our students to school so they can continue their learning.  

We will have two lunch periods this year.  All of our 4th graders will eat during period four and all of our 5th graders during period five.  It would be very helpful if all students arrived on September 5th knowing their ID numbers.  Students will be required to enter their numbers at the end of the lunch line; knowing their number will help keep lunch moving along smoothly.  

Back to School Night is scheduled for September 10th at 6:30 pm.   Please make sure to print or write down your child’s schedule as we will be asking parents to follow an abbreviated version of their child’s schedule that evening.  I’ll be sending you an introductory welcome back video prior to September 13th since there will be no general session.  

See you soon,

Marc Citro
