I hope this message finds you enjoying the last couple weeks of summer.  As we prepare for the start of another school year, I wanted to send you the first of many Friday messages.  This year, we will be putting a tremendous emphasis on student attendance.  This is a theme that you will hear from me repeatedly throughout the year.  We, the school and families, need to partner to ensure that our students are in school and getting consistent instruction.  Please take a look at the attached information sheet that details the importance of school attendance. Attendance Matters August 2024

As stated previously, in order to improve our students’ attendance, we need to work together.  Please use this link to share  your thoughts and insights as to what we can do here at Lounsberry to improve student attendance.

Thank you for taking the time to look at this document and complete the survey.

Some important dates:

Portal Opening - August 20 @3:00 pm  

Lounsberry Hollow Open House -   August 22nd (12:30 - 2:30) and August 23rd (9:00 - 11:00)

First day for students - September 5th

Back to School Night - September 10th (6:30 pm) - UMAC will be providing an open house for our students at their facility while we have our Back to School Night.  More information on this will be coming out soon.  

School Pictures - September 24th during PE classes

See you soon,

Marc Citro
