June 13, 14, 17, 18, and 19 will be early dismissal days. Our students will be dismissed at 12:20 on each of those days and parent pick-up is at 12:10.
Special Anti Bullying Assembly June 11th featuring BXM Pro-rider, Mannie Nogueira and sponsored by the LHSCA. Click here for information.
The LH SCA will also be providing an Ice Cream Truck, free of charge, for our students on June 17th. The truck will be here from 9:30 -11:00 and students will get their ice cream during their recess time.
The lost and found is beyond overflowing with some really nice items. Please have your children check in the cafeteria and room 218 for any lost items. Any unclaimed items will be donated.
Please continue to help us with the dress code. Our dress code can be found in our student handbook in the digital backpack. We know it is getting warm and we don’t want to spend time disciplining students when we should be teaching and learning. Along the same lines, please make sure students come to school in sneakers or shoes that have backs. Slides, Crocs, and the like are unsafe for phys ed, recess, and the outdoor activities that we have coming up. Please make sure they don’t wear them to school. Thanks for your help with this.
Congratulations to our Battle of the Books winners this week, Too Cool for School and Book Bandits!
Please have your children return all library books to the Lounsberry Hollow Media Center before school ends.
Last LHSCA meeting of the year on June 11th at 9:45am where we will be voting in our newest members.
Open 2024-2025 Vernon Twp SCA Board Member Positions
We have only 2 Positions left to fill LH! Make New Friends, Get Involved, and Do Good! See Open Positions and fill out our form at this link: https://forms.gle/18kpQ9py5jZWPDbT8
Please remember to stop by the health office to pick up any medications that your child may have in school. Medications cannot be stored in the nurse’s office over the summer. Any medication that is not picked up by June 28th will be discarded.
Forms for your child’s physician to fill out can be downloaded from the district website. Click on “parents”, “health office”, and click “health office forms.” Health Office Forms
Medication that needs to be administered during the school day for the 24-25 school year requires a new doctor’s note. Please call the school nurse, Mrs. Lisa, if you have any questions at 973-764-4920.
5th Grade Parents please read - Documentation of required immunizations from your MD is needed before your child begins 6th grade. Click here for details.
Nurse Ash will be collecting vaccine documentation all summer. Parents may
scan a copy of the vaccine record to sash@vtsd.com
fax a copy of the vaccine record to 973-764-3295
drop off a printed copy over the summer to the Glen Meadow main office, M-F 8-2pm
Summer reading program and you could earn free books. Click here for more information.
21st Century Community Learning Center - Free program open to all rising 6th, 7th and 8th graders at Glen Meadow Middle School July 8 - Aug 1. Click on the link for more information. CCLC Website
The LH SCA will be using the remind app to update parents with events and reminders for the school.