Please don’t park on grass or side road during parent drop off and pick up.  It prevents our maintenance vehicles from having access.  Thank you.

Online forms and payment are due by May 3rd for the field trips. Here are the links with the field trip information.

Sterling Mine Museum - Grade 4 - May 15, 2024      

Mrs. Carlson; Mrs. Picariello; Mrs. Elmo; Mrs. Meichsner and Mrs. Baumgarten/Mudrick

Sterling Mine Letter 5.15.24

Sterling Mine Museum - Grade 4 - May 16, 2024

Mr. Ferrara; Mrs. DeLuca/Mudrick; Mrs. Bruning and Mrs. Reed

Sterling Mine Letter 5.16.24

Skyland Miner’s Game - Grade 5 - May 15, 2024

Miner’s Game Letter

LH May Upcoming Events click here.

We are also heading into testing season.  We will be doing some enrichment activities with students to help them prepare.  Students will be working on these activities during their period 8 classes. NJSLA testing dates are as follows:    

Science (Grade 5 Only)  May 9 - 10

ELA (both grades)  May 13 - 14

Mathematics (both grades)  May 20 - 22

Spring Shop April 30th - May 2nd. Similar to the Holiday Shop, students will have the opportunity to shop during lunch periods for items $10 and under for upcoming Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or for someone special! 

Pajama Party - Friday, May 3rd presented by the VTHS Cosmetology Department click here for details.

Vernon Youth Football and Cheer Spring Fling Dance May 4th click here for details.

If you are picking up your children at the end of the school day, please enter it in Genesis or call the main office before noon.

The lost and found is overflowing. Please have your children check in the cafeteria for any lost items. Any unclaimed items will be donated.

Remember that we will continue to go outside for recess, so please make sure your children are dressed for the weather.

Artstanding Donations & Sponsorships 

Artstanding Information

Artstanding Solicitation Letter

Please see the Using Amira At Home Tips & Tricks for Families click here.

The LH SCA will be using the remind app to update parents with events and reminders for the school. Please click here to sign up.

You can always find this message and other information on our website by clicking here.  I usually update this every Monday and will add other pertinent information from the ESCA and district to that page as well.