Please remember that we have no school next Friday, March 29th. School will resume on Monday, April 8th.
Last week I shared with you our point system for our upcoming trips. I wanted to share those trip and activity dates with you. More information on our trips will be coming after Spring Break.
4th and 5th Grade Dance April 26
5th Grade Miners Trip May 15
4th Grade Sterling Mine Trip May 15 and 16 (half the grade will go each day)
4th and 5th Grade Field Day May 24
5th Grade Museum Village June 3
We are also heading into testing season. We will be doing some enrichment activities with students to help them prepare. Students will be working on these activities during their period 8 classes. NJSLA testing dates are as follows:
Science (Grade 5 Only) May 9 - 10
ELA (both grades) May 13 - 14
Mathematics (both grades) May 20 - 22
Musical Instrument Test Drive - Join us on Tuesday, April 16th at Lounsberry Hollow School click here for details.
Executive SCA has asked for our help for “Lucky Night Out” that will take place on Friday, April 13, 2024
You will be receiving an email from your child’s homeroom teacher indicating what theme basket they are collecting for. Please send in your new, unwrapped item with your child. We will have boxes in the main lobby with their teacher name for the students to put the items in. Thank you so much for your support. All items are due by Thursday, March 28th.
If you are picking up your children at the end of the school day, please enter it in Genesis or call the main office before noon.
The lost and found is overflowing. Please have your children check in the cafeteria for any lost items. Any unclaimed items will be donated.
Remember that we will continue to go outside for recess, so please make sure your children are dressed for the weather.
Please see the Using Amira At Home Tips & Tricks for Families click here.
The LH SCA will be using the remind app to update parents with events and reminders for the school. Please click here to sign up.
SchoolStore Fundraising
Support our school when you shop at
Go to this link to show our valued teachers your support. Family participation is the key to our success, and we are counting on you!
SchoolStore Family Fun Giveaway ends March 31st click here.
You can always find this message and other information on our website by clicking here. I usually update this every Monday and will add other pertinent information from the ESCA and district to that page as well.
ESCA Information:
1. TICKETS ON SALE for the SCA Lucky Night Out Tricky Tray April 13, 2024!
2. Artstanding Donations & Sponsorships: https://
3. Senior Scholarship Reading Committee Volunteers: Email