Report cards will be available in the parent portal (Genesis) on Wednesday, February 7th at 4:00pm.

If you are picking up your child at the end of the day, please make sure to use the cross walk in the middle of the parking lot when leaving.  It is unsafe for parents, students, and buses to have people walking through the lot when the buses are coming in.

Lounsberry Hollow is excited to bring author George Jreije to our school during Love of Reading Week! If your child would like a signed copy of one of his books, please use this form to order by Wednesday, February 7th. Cash (exact change please) or check (made payable to Lounsberry Hollow School) only.

SCA Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser - Click here for details and click here to start shopping with organization ID #107220 until 2/9.  Special note: 50% of all sales go back to LH SCA!  

Please see the Using Amira At Home Tips & Tricks for Families click here.

The LH SCA will be using the remind app to update parents with events and reminders for the school. Please click here to sign up.

As temperatures drop, we will continue to go outside so please make sure your children come to school dressed for recess.

SchoolStore Fundraising

Support our school when you shop at

SchoolStore Fundraiser

Go to this link to show our valued teachers your support. Family participation is the key to our success, and we are counting on you!

Schoolstore Family Fun Giveaway click here. click here.

If you are interested in having your 5th grader opt out of the comprehensive health curriculum please enter your information in this form.  You have plenty of time to complete this so feel free to contact your child’s PE teacher if you have any questions.

You can always find this message and other information on our website by clicking here. I usually update this every Monday and will add other pertinent information from the ESCA and district to that page as well.  


1. Seeking Sponsors/Donations & Volunteers for the SCA Senior Citizen Appreciation Event: 2. Seeking Sponsors/Donations & Volunteers for the Lucky Night Out Tricky Tray April 13, 2024!